Eliminating aphids from ornamental plants can be straightforward. Aphids, small insects that attack various plant species including both indoor and outdoor plants, appear in green, black, or grey colours and feed on shoots and leaves by sucking sap. They reproduce rapidly through parthenogenesis, where fertilization by males is unnecessary, quickly forming dense colonies that cause affected areas to wither and become coated in honeydew—a sticky substance. This feeding habit, drawing on sugar-rich plant sap low in protein, necessitates the elimination of excess sugars.

Among ornamental plants, roses are particularly susceptible to aphid attacks. Aphids target these plants to feed on stem sap, resulting in stem and foliage destruction, weakening the plant significantly and impacting its flowering.

Managing Aphids: Effective Strategies

Aphids thrive during spring and autumn, multiplying swiftly, underscoring the need for immediate action upon their appearance. Besides sap consumption, aphid honeydew poses an additional challenge, attracting sugar-seeking fungi that further harm plants.

At the onset of aphids, manually washing affected plants with a watering can help dislodge insects and honeydew. Another natural remedy involves introducing ladybirds, which consume both honeydew and aphid larvae without damaging plants.

For more severe infestations, systemic insecticides offer an effective solution. These products can be applied directly to infested areas, with the plant absorbing and distributing protection from roots to leaves, safeguarding untreated parts. Reapplication every 2-3 weeks may be necessary for sustained control.

Systemic insecticides are available in liquid form with spray applicators or as soil sticks, providing extended protection—up to three months—from aphids and other pests such as psyllids or whiteflies when inserted into the soil. You could try our Ecofective Bug Control Offer to help protect your plants!

By promptly addressing aphid infestations and choosing appropriate control methods, ornamental plants can be safeguarded against these damaging pests, ensuring healthier growth and vibrant appearance.

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